The Arab Nation

One of the biggest fallacies surrounding us Arabs is that we somehow form one nation. We try to lie to ourselves and say this is so , that we all speak the same language, live in the same neighborhood, mostly practice the same religion, have similar traditions, share the same history. and so the thinking goes , we must be one nation.

This is not so.

Its like saying the people in Europe, because of their religion, location, history, similar traditions, language , are one . Despite 28 million people dying 75 years ago trying to prove the opposite.

Once we stop taking our theoretical unity for granted and our practical fragmentation with hopeless resignation we might be able to move forward and halt the gut wrenching turmoil that we are going through now.

To hope to understand our current predicament we need to study what draws us together and what sets us apart.

I hope to put some random thoughts here exploring different facets of our existence as Arabs.

what exactly is our common history, religion, traditions, language , way of thought that we cling so much to,  and try to define our self through,  and why is it failing us so miserably,  as all the civil wars around us are showing us.

is our system of thought , religion, way of life, traditions inherently faulty and unable to draw people together into a modern nation ? is it incompatible with the 21st century. Are our problems from outside? are foreign interest so entrenched that they keep knocking us two steps backwards every time we take a step forward.   is our state a combination of both.

I am going to attempt to dissect  our motives, see whats going on underneath the surface. what makes us tick and then go boom 🙂  an unfortunate  stereotype that we are being faced with more and more these days.




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